Soaring birds, a broken cage. Husband elbow-

deep in the graveyard, turning over dirt. The fish

is, though boxed-in, elusive: slim fingers reach

& come up empty. Your heart forgets to warn you

about the still air that portends a downpour. Sex-

less, your hooded thing the last thing you love.

Flat tresses, long skirts, denuded vines & forgotten

wineglasses balanced on the wooden casket.

You hold your gloved hand aloft, braced &

steady. Yeats’ falconer seizes your vision,

your bookshelves full of other people’s words

while your prolix librettos unword themselves.

Luck comes when you will it to, you think:

the birds, the bible, all gone, unwritten.

—Terry Ann Wright

Schrödinger’s Birdcage

TERRY ANN WRIGHT’s poem “Juniper Tree” was longlisted for the 2022 Sappho Prize and appears in her 2023 chapbook Mädchen, from dancing girl press. Recent poems have appeared in Red Ogre ReviewStanza Cannon, Bear Flag Review, a moon of one’s own, The Hyacinth Review, Ghost Girls, and The Shore; previously in anthologies by Cadence Collective, Sadie Girl Press, and Picture Show Press; and chapbooks mad honey (2018) by dancing girl press and Nature Studies (2015) by Sadie Girl Press, whose title poem was her third Pushcart Prize nomination.