Katama Meadow—Day’s End

—Kelly DuMar


KELLY DUMAR is a poet, playwright and workshop facilitator from Boston. She’s author of four poetry collections, including jinx and heavenly calling, published by Lily Poetry Review Books in March 2023. Her poems and images are published in Bellevue Literary ReviewTupelo QuarterlyThrushGlassworks, Flock and more, and her images have been featured on the cover of About PlaceSynkronicitiCool Beans, Etymology, Confetti and Young Ravens Literary Review. Kelly teaches a variety of creative writing workshops, in person and online, and she teaches Play Labs for the International Women’s Writing Guild and the Transformative Language Arts Network. Her home is the rural Charles River where she walks and captures images of the wetlands in all weather. Reach her at kellydumar.com.